5 Benefits of Using Baking Soda As A Cleaner


A common ingredient in baking is baking soda, also referred to as sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda. It creates a soft, fluffy texture in baked goods like bread and cakes. In addition to its common usage in cooking, baking soda has a number of other functions around the house. Due to its many household applications, baking soda is becoming more and more popular. Baking soda makes cleaning easy and is a fantastic substitute for conventional detergents. Baking soda is now a popular and healthy choice for cleaning thanks to the rising demand for eco-friendly goods.

Advantages of using baking soda

Negates Odours

There is usually a bad odour near trash cans, socks, carpets, or even in the refrigerator. This odour is reminiscent of the leftovers of a strong acidic odour, such as sour milk or fish. According to research, baking soda deodorises by neutralising the odour molecules that are acidic and basic. It can also be used as a household deodorant for carpets. Additionally, it eliminates freezer and refrigerator odours. It also works when dissolved in water. However, if the odours are too strong, you will need the expert services of a reputed house cleaning company.

Wash Fruits and Vegetables

Forget about the expensive, sophisticated produce washes at the store. Better than using bleach or tap water alone, a 12- to 15-minute soak in water and baking soda can get rid of between 80 and 96 percent of some pesticides from fruits. Sodium bicarbonate can also clean the skin of fruits and vegetables of other chemical stains and pesticide residues. As a result, everyone can use the consumables safely.

Toilet Cleaner

One cup of vinegar should be added to the toilet, and let it sit for one minute. A fizzing effect is produced by sprinkling 1 cup of baking soda and adding another 2 cups of vinegar. Use the toilet brush to thoroughly scrub the solution into the bowl after the mixture has been sitting for ten minutes so it can reach stains above the water line. Flush the toilet after waiting for another 30 minutes while occasionally brushing to remove all stains.

Non-abrasive Cleaner

An efficient, nonabrasive cleanser can be created by combining baking soda and water. One application is cleaning the interior of a refrigerator of leftover food residues. You can use this to clean your tubs, sinks, and shower curtain as well as to remove scuff marks from the flooring. You can also pour baking soda down the drain with hot water to clear it of dirt. It also works great as a deodorizer. To get rid of odours, sprinkle baking soda on a carpet, let it settle, and vacuum it.

Fabric Softener

Baking soda is a great substitute for fabric softener if you want softer garments. It removes detergent and mineral residue that makes your clothes feel scratchy. This is because it helps to maintain the pH balance of water. Since baking soda is a natural mineral, it is also ideal for people with sensitive skin. It can also be effective to pre-soak your clothing in 1-2 cups of baking soda mixed with warm water overnight to get rid of odours.

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