UPSC Interview Questions And Answers


Q: What if you discover that you simply are pregnant on one fine morning?

This was asked to a female  who replied, “I'm going to be very happy and that I would celebrate it with my husband.” However, this was asked with the expectation of receiving a shocking reply.

Q: A cat had three kittens: January, March, and May. What was their mother’s name?

Well, check out the question again. Does one see any question mark? ‘What’ was their mother’s name.

Q: What happened when a person invented the wheel?

Well, it caused a revolution. Furthermore, This was a reply from one of the candidates who got selected. However, it’s cleverly put into things considering the very fact that a wheel actually revolves when in motion.

Q: If 2 may be a company and three is that the crowd, then what is going to be 4 and 5?

ANSWER: 4 and 5 there's always 9.

Q: If two’s company and three may be a crowd, then what's four and five?


Q: Which part of the body doesn't sweat?


Q: Name the bird that features a foot on its head?

All birds have heads, legs, and feet.

Q: If we've two eyes, why can we only see one thing at a time?

We are ready to see things with our mind, not with our eyes, and therefore the eyes work consistently with the brain and both eyes simultaneously target one thing. The 2 eyes make blurry separate images of that thing and therefore the brain accurately represents it one by one.

Q: What will happen if you throw a red stone during a blue sea?

Answer: The stone is going to be wet, and it'll sink.

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