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Haldi Chandan Face Packs for a Glowy Skin

Sandalwood, normally referred to as "chandan," has been utilised for some years. Chandan has been used for medicinal as well as surface-level purposes before, similar to haldi and...

Hobbies and interests: Would it be advisable for them to be on your resume?

A vital element of any resume is distinguishing yourself from other candidates, and without a trace of one-of-a-kind work experience, individual interests and tries can assist in m...

What!! Have you heard these facts about gems before??

Indian civilization is perhaps one of the most seasoned societies on the planet. Also, adornments have been essential for this civilization since ancient times. With time, Ind...

Fashion assists us with characterising and showing what our identity is and what we do.

Fashion resembles an enchanted wand: one can't help suspecting that he or she simply has to put on another magnificent outfit, and his or her life will change totally. For that rea...

Mindful eating for a healthy Thanksgiving

What is Thanksgiving Day? Thanksgiving, which frequently denotes the start of an overly liberal Christmas season, is that season that the vast majority of us anticipate. Nobo...

Must have Jewellery for a Fashionable College Look

College-going girls need to stay updated with the modern jewellery available. Some modern-looking fashionable jewellery items are perfect for shaping their overall personalities. S...

Buying a perfect pair of women's footwear

There is no denying that a pair of the right footwear can add just that bit of oomph to your wardrobe. Footwear is not just an accessory; they are a necessity. Footwear is consider...

5 To-Do List to Prep Your Skin Before Putting On Makeup

Are you about to head out for a party or a date? Then you probably want to look your best and apply the right makeup. But before applying any product, you need to prepare your skin...

5 Reasons You Need A Tankini

A tankini is a one-piece swimsuit that combines the sexiness of a bikini with the coverage of a tank top. The typical tankini set is designed to allow for maximum comfort and style...

Why Decoration

The decoration and look of the house play a major role in telling the mood of the house. The décor of the house also has an effect on the mood of the people living in the ho...
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