How to choose the right Tile size?


Choosing the right tile size is a matter of more than just choosing the right tile. It's about choosing the right tiles that will work with your project and knowing how to use them.

You can't just go into the store, pick out a nice-looking tile, and expect it to fit your space. You can take up a professional NVQ level 3 tiling course to become a tiler. 

Here are some more tips on how to choose the right tile size. 

1- Measure your space

We get it. When trying to find a tile that will fit perfectly in your bathroom or kitchen, it's hard to know where to start. You want something that's beautiful and fits with the rest of your home.

Measure your space! The first thing you should do is measure the space where you want to put your new tile. Measure both horizontally and vertically. Then, use that measurement as a reference point for this article and ensure you understand why it's important.

It's also important to account for obstacles such as sinks and toilets when measuring your space. If these areas need special treatment due to their shape or size, ensure they are accounted for during the measuring process so that you don't run into problems later on down the road.

2- Decide what shape you want

When choosing the right tile size, don't just think about how big your room is. It would be best if you also considered the shape of your room and how big it is. There are a lot of shapes to choose from—square, rectangular, hexagonal, trapezoidal, and so on—and the best way to choose which one is right for you is to look at how you want the space to look. Do you want a small area with lots of detail in it? Or do you want an open space with several different patterns?

If you're unsure which shape would work best for your space, ask yourself what kind of feel or effect you want to achieve in that area.

If you have a small space and want to go with a simple square or rectangular tile pattern (for example), that's fine. But if you have a larger space and want something more decorative, you might choose a wider design with more intricate details.

3- Decide what size you want

Tile size is one of the most important things to consider when purchasing tile.

Choosing the right tile size can significantly affect how much it costs and how well it looks in your home.

There are two sizes of tile: large and small. Large tiles are typically used in kitchen backsplashes, while small tiles are usually used in bathrooms. Large tiles look great when installed on your kitchen or bathroom walls, but they can be hard to install because they're so large. Smaller tiles can be easier to install, but they don't have as much visual impact when compared with larger ones.

When choosing the right tile size, remember that it's not just about how large the tile is—it's also about the space available to fit your new tiles.

Many people think they want a large-sized tile for their home, but they don't realize that it can be difficult to handle and install. This is especially true if they don't fit perfectly in your space. You will need to cut them into half or quarters to fit. 


So, hopefully, this has given you some helpful tips on choosing the right tile size for your space. Remember, it's not just about aesthetics but also about choosing the perfect fit for your space.

And remember: if you're unsure what size will work best for you, try out different sizes and find one that looks good in the space and doesn't overwhelm the room.