DO's and DON'Ts At A Happy Hour Networking Event


Networking events can be very interesting experiences and can be quite effective in finding new connections, forming partnerships, making friends, and so much more.

But when it’s a Happy Hour networking event, there’s a whole new set of rules you must follow. And there are a few things to keep in mind.

Here’s what the experts have to say:

Advice from Expert #1:

“At a Happy Hour Networking Event, my DO’s are:

  1. Drink. They’re there for a reason and you won’t look unprofessional if you drink responsibly and can still act sensibly.
  1. Business cards. At a happy hour networking event, lots of people will be talking and exchanging information. With the mixture of people and drinks, they could forget you, so bring business cards to keep your name at the top of everyone’s mind.
  1. Dress professionally. You might be having a drink and attending a less professional event, but you should still leave an impression. Dressing properly can make an impact and give off the right vibe.

And my DON’T’s are:

  1. Drink too much. As I said above, you can drink but be responsible with it. It’s not a good look to drink too much and could lead to burning some bridges before you even set foot on them. Know your limit and stick to it.
  1. Lose focus on why you are there. This isn’t a party. Have a goal and don’t forget about it throughout the night or the entire event could be a waste of time.
  1. Don’t leave too early. Things can happen throughout the night and you don’t want to pull the plug too early. Stick around and see what happens later in the night as things progress and people loosen up.”

Thanks to John Gluch, Owner of The Gluch Group, for this tip.

Advice from Expert #2:

“Happy hour networking events are a great thing and I’ve had a ton of fun at these events, and also met a ton of great people!

My biggest DO is to talk about things other than work and business with people. By opening up in other ways, and even talking about things like your favorite music or movies, you can show people other important qualities, like your likability and potential impact on company morale. It’s worth having some fun in order to meet people and build quality relationships.

My biggest DON’T is to pre-prepare what you’re going to say. Go into the event and discuss things naturally without a script or prompt. Be you and enjoy the benefits of talking naturally, rather than coming across ‘fake’ and ingenuine.”

Thanks to Dr. Willy Portier, Co-Founder of Concerty, for this tip.

Advice from Expert #3:

“If you’re attending a Happy Hour Networking event, don’t feel like you have to drink. If you don’t drink, don’t feel comfortable drinking, or would just rather not, then it’s fine not to. You can still attend and benefit from this event, even if you aren’t participating in the happy hour portion of this event.

I would also avoid turning this into a hangout with friends or people you see often. There’s a time and place to see them, but try and keep this event as effective as possible for what it is - a networking event.

You also shouldn’t feel like you have to buy people drinks or even offer to buy drinks for others. It’s not that type of event and you don’t have to do it at all unless you really would like to or the opportunity arises.

Finally, my DO is: have a good time and be yourself. Career development and networking can be very fun, so just try and make the most of it!”

Thanks to James Parsons, Founder of Content Powered, for this tip.