Nap Your Way to Nicer Skin


Are you a fan of taking naps? It’s one of the best ways to relax and recharge, but that’s not all! They don’t call it beauty rest for nothing! It turns out that getting that extra shut-eye can help improve your skin. Yes, it really is as good as it sounds!

Keep reading to find out how you can sleep your way to tighter and evenly toned skin!

Different Types of Naps that Benefit the Body

Not all naps are created equal. There are different types of naps that you take depending on what your body needs. Whether you’re lying down to recuperate from a restless night or you just like the way naps make you feel, each type of nap serves a purpose.

  1. Recovery Nap 

Were you up late the night before or maybe you were tossing and turning all night and just didn’t sleep like you normally do? Sleep deprivation can leave you feeling sluggish all day long. This is when a nap can come in handy and help you make up for the sleep you’ve lost and leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up.

  1. Prophylactic Nap 

This type of nap is used to prevent sleep loss. For example, do you work a night shift or long hours? Then you may take a prophylactic nap before you head into work to make sure you don’t get sleepy and that you stay alert during your shift. 

  1. Appetitive Nap 

Do you honestly just love taking naps? There’s nothing wrong with that at all! There’s a type of name for this nap too, it’s called appetitive napping. These are naps that are taken just because you want to relax.

  1. Fulfillment Nap 

These naps are for infants and children. Kids just have little bodies that require more sleep than adults do. Fulfillment naps are often scheduled into the day for infants and toddlers, but they can also occur spontaneously throughout the day.

  1. Essential Nap 

When you get sick, this is the nap that you take to help you get better. Essential naps are required to give your body more energy and support your immune system while it tries to heal.

How Long Should You Nap? 

How long do you set your alarm for when you do lay down for that extra shut-eye? It may surprise you just how long your nap should be to make sure you get the most benefits from it.

As you sleep, your body moves through different stages. You have to move through these stages to get the most out of your sleep. For example, studies have shown that five-minute naps are too short and don’t allow you enough time to move through the sleep cycle. If you sleep for 30 minutes or more, you will go into the deep sleep cycle, which can also cause you to be groggy if you sleep for too long. With these considerations in mind, researchers have found that naps that last 10 to 20 minutes are the perfect length. This will give you enough time to recharge and feel refreshed without having a groggy feeling when you wake up.

Of course, each nap has its exceptions. If you have a toddler or child taking a nap, you definitely don’t want to wake them up after 20 minutes. Kids require more sleep than adults. Another exception are the essential naps when you’re sick. Your body needs more rest to recover from illness, so of course, you want to sleep as long as you can so you can get better.

Naps Can Keep Your Skin Looking Young and Refreshed

A study from University Hospital’s Case Medical Center found that napping can help both women and men have fewer wrinkles, tighter skin, and can even out your skin tone. 

If you’re not already taking some time out of your busy day to sneak in a power nap, here are three great reasons to start getting some rest:

  1. Reduce Cortisol

One of the biggest things naps do for your skin is to help reduce the amount of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is “the stress hormone” that elevates in your body during stressful situations in your life. Napping can help reduce cortisol which plays a big role in helping your skin stay youthful.

  1. Repair Collagen

Another way sleep helps your skin is by repairing collagen. When we are in a deep sleep, the collagen in our skin repairs itself, which helps prevent sagging skin.

  1. Increase Blood Flow

Sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in blood flow which causes your skin to become dull. The secret to giving your skin a big boost in blood flow is as simple as getting some shut-eye.

How Can Naps Benefit Your Wellbeing?

Your skin isn’t the only part of your body that will benefit from getting in a quick nap. Here are some other ways that napping can benefit you:

  • Reduce sleepiness
  • Improve learning
  • Aid in memory formation
  • Improves mood
  • Helps you stay alert
  • Improves heart health
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps keep off weight
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Sharpens sensory perception
  • Enhances creativity

How to Get the Most Out of Your Nap

Napping isn’t for everyone. If you have insomnia, then you’ll want to stay away from the extra shut-eye to make sure you can sleep better at night. But if you think you’ll benefit from a nap, then there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of the time.

  • Set an alarm

Like we mentioned earlier, studies have found the best nap length is about 10-20 minutes. If you want to make sure you feel refreshed and not groggy, then you’ll want to make sure you don’t sleep too long.

  • Nap early

Napping late in the day can affect your ability to fall asleep when you usually would at night. Try napping early so you won’t have any issue dozing off when bedtime comes around.

  • Reflect on why you’re napping

Think about what you want to get from your nap. When you realize why you want to sleep, then it will be easy to plan your nap around those goals.

Get Younger Looking Skin!

If you’re looking for ways to improve your skin, it really is as easy as getting some shut-eye! If you’re interested in doing more with your skin, we can help! Most of the dermatologist in your area, they specialize in wrinkle treatment, acne treatment, and skin cancer treatment. Let us know what you’re interested in, and we can recommend a treatment or the perfect skincare products to help you get the look you want to achieve. They are the preferred dermatologist in the Triad, with a team of skincare experts that are ready to help you reach your skincare goals!

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