Home Maintenance Services by the Season: What Every Homebuyer Needs to Know


A big part of being a first-time homebuyer is changing one’s mentality from just living in a property to being fully responsible for it. Many seasoned homebuyers also find themselves neglecting valuable home maintenance services when they really need to keep all their home’s systems serviced each year. But what should you do each season? Here are some strong suggestions for how to schedule your maintenance, informed by the top real estate agent insights report from Homelight.

High-Value Spring Maintenance Services

Spring is a time to really get a good look at your roof. Roofs last much longer if you periodically (usually twice a year) inspect them and handle any broken or missing shingles, so having a roofer out to examine the roof and make any needed repairs can really extend the life of the roof. After winter’s expansions and contractions and precipitation, this is a great time to make this kind of project happen. 

Similarly, check on your home’s siding: damages that happen because of weather and changes in temperature may not be noticeable till you really look at them. Have an experienced siding installer repair them as needed to keep the interior of your home safe. 

Spring is also a good season in many climates to evaluate whether you need to touch up your home’s paint. If you get a lot of rain during this season, you can wait till summer, but this is a good time to just check in and see if your walls, interior and exterior, could benefit from a whole new coat or a few spruces here and there.

Powerwashing concrete and the exterior of your house will also make your house look much better, so it’s worth investing in this service to keep your home free of moss and dirt on its exterior. 

Other systems and things to check this time of year include evaluating any patios, pools, or decks, and making sure your HVAC system is in top shape for summer, when any malfunction can lead to higher cooling bills. Finally, check plumbing for any residual problems that were created by heating and cooling of plumbing over the winter, including leaks, rusting, or slow drains. 

What to Maintain During the Summer

Summer is when the bulk of lawn care must happen; while some tasks are right for spring and fall, this is the time when you’ll want to keep weeds out of the beds, keep the lawn mowed, and generally keep the whole space looking tidy as everything grows. Hire an experienced landscaper if gardening isn’t your specialty.

This is the time to check on your sprinkler system, hose, or other way of watering the lawn too. It can also be a great season to bring someone out to evaluate your mosquito situation or other active summer pests. 

Maintenance Tips for Fall

With the shift toward colder weather, it’s time to get a service call to check your furnace or other heating source for optimal functionality. Cold weather can arrive suddenly, so the goal isn’t to just wait until your furnace experiences a breakdown or won’t turn on. Similarly, get a fireplace inspection if you intend to use a woodburning stove, woodburning fireplace, or gas logs. 

Fall leaves can clog gutters, so use this season as a cue to get your gutters cleaned and inspected when you see that most local leaves have fallen. The recommendation is to get gutters inspected twice a year, so Spring and Fall is a good suggestion. 

Finally, there are a variety of valuable tasks you can do during this season to further prepare for the coming of cold weather: checking the draftiness of doors and windows, testing fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure their batteries aren’t low, and cleaning out the vent in your dryer are all good ideas at this time of year. 

Key Maintenance Services for Winter

It’s wise to know the areas of your plumbing system that are most exposed to cold weather and make note of them after each cold snap during the winter. While a plumber is a wise choice if your pipes actually freeze or burst, an inspection of your own may be enough if you just worry that the water is flowing a little less than usual, indicating a partial freeze at some point in the pipes.

A major source of maintenance during the winter is snow removal, either with a professional company or as the homeowner yourself. Large snow and ice accumulation also makes it wise to do an outdoor inspection of your home every time the snow and ice has melted, evaluating if any damages have occurred that could allow water to seep inside the house. A visual inspection is valuable, but if you see anything concerning, get an expert to look at it. 

Follow Your Technician’s Lead

If your particular home has unusual needs, the service professionals who visit regularly will have advice that might mean you need more often or fewer service visits. Remember that the investment you make in getting your home maintenance services is a trifle compared to major repairs due to neglect. Invest in your home’s future, and it will remain in working order for longer.

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