Does Web Hosting Boost Keyword Ranking


Search engine optimization has become very popular. Whenever we own a website it is important that it should get views among the target audience, to perform such a task doing SEO of a website is highly important.

Keyword ranking is one of the most important things which come under SEO and it plays a major role for your search engine rankings.

Keyword ranking means the web position within the search results for a search query which is related to the same keyword.

There are many keyword factors which affect your SEO such as good quality content, right targeted use of words, structured data and so on. And if we talk about the question that “Does Web Hosting affect Keyword Ranking or SEO ranking?” then the answer to this question is “Yes”. Your web hosting can affect the ranking and can also help in boosting the same.

Content writers sometimes write informative things but they should also focus on how to adjust rich keywords within that content so that they can boost the organic search result in a search engine.  

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Why is Web Hosting considered?

We all know that creating a website is not the stop point. You need a web hosting platform to host your website over the internet. For this you have to look out for a web hosting company. The choice of the company plays a major role for boosting the site's ranking and reaching to the actual audience.

Here in this blog we will know about how keyword ranking affects or is helpful in boosting search related results.  


A fast loading website attracts more visitors than a website which is slow to load, a good website loads within 3 seconds after clicking the link. A slow website is prone to lose visitors and customers because visitors are mostly impatient and will switch on to another similar website if your site is slow to load.

Google tracks the user activities and takes action which does not fit into its algorithm. There are certain penalties which as a website owner you have to bear if you are not following the search engine rules.

A slow website can lead down your image in the market and also decrease the position of your rich keywords. To avoid such situations you should track your website loading speed with various application plugins or sites such as Google page insight and GTMetrix.

Looking into coding language, scripts and databases is also important. You should look for various unimportant or overburdened parts of a website and erase them.

Choosing a web hosting part is also important. You should have at least some basic knowledge about types of hosting such as shared hosting, a virtual private server and dedicated server. According to your website's needs and requirements you should select the appropriate hosting.

Small firms and business enterprises generally use shared hosting; on the other hand dedicated servers are preferred by MNCs and large companies.

So you should only buy from the web hosting providers which guarantees lightning fast speed to you.  


Uptime is one of the considerations which you need to make in order to achieve success. The right web hosting provider will assure you 99 % of the uptime it means your server is up, running and performing its operations well.

If your site faces a downtime then it is possible that Google may penalize you because it keeps crawling and checking the website and if it finds any defect it puts down the site ranking. This happens because during the check you are marked as an unreliable website due to downtime.

This highlights the importance of web hosting in keyword ranking as a penalized site never reaches at a fast speed to its targeted audience.  

There are many web hosting companies in the market which guarantees high uptime. You should only prefer the companies who maintain its goodwill and trust among its clients and customers.


A website's security plays a huge role in the website ranking. The Internet is getting unsafe by cyber criminals. Hence we should take care of all the security measures to protect our website from the same.

A watchdog strategy, early warning system and quick maintenance should be at high priority for your web hosting provider otherwise these threats can affect your SEO.

There are chances that your data is stolen by the hackers and they use your data for some other cyber-crime. Also, they can sell your sensitive information to other big foreign companies for a good price. That would be no more than a nightmare isn’t it?

Today Google Chrome and other famous web browsers, for example Firefox, have started to show a message of “not secure” for a website which does not use SSL Certificate to secure their websites.

Websites which have a green padlock and use HTTPS protocol or we can say that they are protected by SSL are ranked higher than the website which do not have the same.

In short, choose the hosting provider who guarantees full proof security and ensures timely maintenance and updates so you are secure from all the threats.


The location of the server affects your keyword and site ranking to a high extent. If you want to know from where you have a server connection or to know where your server location is then you can know it by the unique IP Address.

Location gives you a major advantage of engine ranking over other competitive sites. For example if a user from India visits a site whose server is located in India itself it will get a higher ranking than the site having the same keywords located in the USA.

This means a search engine gives high priority to a website when a user and a server both are located at the same location.

This is because of reduced latency and speed of a website. So try to get the web hosting service from the remote location of the targeted audience to achieve localization SEO and Keyword ranking advantages.


In conclusion, we got to know about how important is web hosting to boost or hinder your keyword, ultimately your site ranking. Speed, uptime, security and location are some of the most common elements for your ranking. Hence, your selection for a web hosting package matters a lot for your website performance. All these things can help you rank faster and easier.

Go for a reliable hosting solution which will help you to boost your site performance of keyword ranking to attract a target audience.