What Are The Best Way To Clean Kitchen


It is very important to maintain hygiene every time but if we talk about kitchen then it is very  essential for each and every home our stomach totally depend upon the planned maintenance and regular cleaning  of your kitchen will  definitely decrees  the possibility of insects. Few insects, like as cockroaches, are extremely proficient  at hiding behind clutter. This makes it mandatory that you not only keep clean counter tops and floors, but that your cupboard area is neatly order, as well. Cleanliness in the kitchen is very important  because there are acute  tools, hot surfaces, also other potential risk. Spilled liquids can be fall risks, when  oil buildup on stove hoods or food residue in the oven can cause riskful  kitchen fires that are difficult to stamp out.

Divide your kitchen into 3 or 4 zones

And this is very important your kitchen sink and  areas near about should be one zone.

Put grubby dishes from Zone 1 into the dishwasher

Hand wash and dry the rest of t he dishes in area 1 and wipe down the counters in area 1 and dry the sink then rest and repeat the process.

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How To Clean Kitchen

Here are the various way to clean the kitchen

  1. Take multipurpose  surface cleaner for counters.
  2. To clean hands or dishes take a liquid dishwasher
  3. Baking soda, vinegar, lemons, uses for DIY cleaning supplies Sponges for dishes and surfaces.
  4. You can use Rags, microfiber cloths, or paper towels
  5. Always Clear clutter off your counters.
  6. Try to empty the dishwasher and the dish drainer and wash dishes and Dust from the tops of the fridge and cabinets and  Clean small appliances time to time.
  7. This is mandatory to clean anything else that stays out on your counters and scrub down the exterior of your stove and oven.
  8. Wipe down your counters  on weekend if you don’t have enough time and it is also to keep clean yourself  so, deep clean your sink.

If you want to keep yourself healthy so for that you have to Keep your kitchen clean, including worktops and chopping boards, is necessary to keep food safe as bacteria can grow and spread. The important phase in cleaning are pre-clean, main clean, rinse, disinfect, final rinse, drying. Any cloths and equipment used for cleaning can be a source of disease  if not cleaned properly. Always try to use disposable cloths or use color coding to prevent contamination

Few Cleaning Hands Tips

  • Before starting to prepare food.
  • After touching raw food such as meat, poultry, vegetables and eggs.
  • After going to the toilet.
  • After touching the bin and after touching pets.

In addition, you could hire a professional rubbish removal to help you with the cleaning and a professional gutter cleaners to help you clean your roof.

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