What is the Role of Technology in Education?

What is the Role of Technology in Education?

Education Becomes More Accessible To Everyone And Takes Into Account Everyone's Needs.

Technology-based education eliminates the need for an institution or an educator. Students can study whenever they want, from the convenience of their own homes.Technology-based education eliminates the need for an institution or an educator. 

Students can easily access all the information pertinent to their subject of study thanks to eLearning as well. Additionally, because of this minimal dependence, students from any location can access the online learning resources, expanding their horizons and exposing them to the world beyond their own city or country.  Do you want to publish a Technology blog? Select our platform to post Technology Submit Guest Post.

EdTech Maintains Students' Interest

90% of children utilize digital learning tools at home, with two thirds beginning by the age of five.(According to the Deloitte Survey) Getting students to enroll in the course is the first step in online learning. That's not all, though. Making compelling content must be the main goal of an online learning program if you want these students to stick with the course. 

A good online course will have engagement in the form of video lectures, microlearning, eye-catching infographics, or gamification, which will keep students coming back for more.

Technology Boosts Rates of Knowledge Retention 

People barely remember 50% of the information they are given after an hour. 70% of everything they learned the day before is forgotten. A week later, that number rises to 90%. Technology makes this situation better. E-learning is intended to boost retention of new information by 25% to 60%.

This is due to the brain's quicker and more efficient processing of visual information. Gamification, mobile learning, microlearning, VR-based learning, and other forms of educational technology boost student engagement and aid in information retention.

Repetition also helps with memory. Before moving on to the next module in educational apps, students may be required to take a quiz on the previous one. True to form, practice makes perfect. 

 Technology Promotes Collaboration And Effective Communication

Communication and teamwork are key components of online learning. Collaboration between students and teachers, peer-to-peer communication, and student-parent collaboration are just a few examples of this type of communication. Both synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (communication via a time lag) forms of communication are possible in eLearning. 

A range of media, including whiteboarding, screen sharing, audio, and video, can be used for interaction.E-learning can be made more interesting and enriching by teachers by providing a space online where students are free to ask questions, discuss them, and actively engage in conversation.

Enhance the assessment process and dynamically monitor progress 

Assessing students' development over time enables teachers to keep tabs on how they are progressing and to offer helpful criticism. It aids in the goal-setting and achievement of both teachers and pupils. By showing trends in student data, monitoring also helps teachers maintain engagement and gauge the success of a course or program.