Complete Woman Exercise During The Pregnancy

Complete Woman Exercise During The Pregnancy

In case you hit them from my article title, I will spend the next nine months sharing my fitness experience through pregnancy and on the way back to competition.

In the beginning, when I knew I wanted to try to have a baby, many thoughts flew through my head: how long should I be out of competition, how long will it take me to get back in shape, will I be able to train as much as I can during pregnancy, is this the right time for me to try to start a family? The more I thought about it and the more people I talked about, the more I realized that it would never be the “perfect” time to start a family and if I waited to compete indefinitely I might never have the family I dreamed of.

Over the next nine months, I will share my fitness and nutritional experience from pre-conception to birth. Then I will continue to share with you my journey from the beginning. Thank you so much for reading!

Period Before Conception

Wanting to meet my goals, I decided to continue with my strict fitness regime; anyway, I changed my diet a bit. I decided to stop taking creatine and add carbs to my daily intake because I was afraid that with a lower percentage of body fat I would have problems conceiving. I had no reason to believe I was at risk of infertility, but I wanted to be sure that everything I did would not have a bad effect on my attempts to get pregnant. Here is an example of my daily routine and diet plan:


  • 10 minutes warm-up
  • stretching
  • plyometrics
  • abs
  • stretching for 10-15 minutes



  • Upper body training
  • 3-4 series of 10 lifts to the chin
  • 3-4 series of 12 sitting lifts
  • 3-4 sets of 12 wide lat pulldown
  • 3-4 series of 12 benders with a lifting belt
  • 3-4 series of 12 chest ejections
  • 3-4 series of 12 even with ejection belt
  • 3-4 sets of 12 chest flying exercises


  • cardio, stomach
  • 30 minutes of cardio, 50 sit-ups, and stretching
  • Rowing


  • In the morning: cardio, stretching
  • 30 minutes of cardio and stretching
  • Afternoon: upper body training
  • 3-4 sets of 12 triceps-pushing down
  • 3-4 sets of 12 triceps throw backward
  • 3-4 series of 12 alternative folds
  • 3-4 series of 12 folds with a straight bar
  • 3-4 series of 12 supersets of front and rear lateral lifts
  • 3-4 series of 12 standing elevations
  • 3-4 sets of 12 exercises on a deltoid machine
  • 2 series of 25 abs on the machine
  • 2 sets of 25 on each side of the sloping abs
  • Bicep bend


  • Afternoon: lower body training
  • 3-4 series of 12 leg extensions
  • 3-4 series of 12 horizontal leg folds
  • 2 series of 25 deadlifts with straight legs
  • 2 sets of 25 exercises on the abdication machine
  • 2 sets of 25 exercises on the abdication machine
  • 2-4 series of 15,15,15 lifts for sheets on the floor
  • 3-4 series of 20 walking turns
  • 3-4 sets of 20 squats or machine exercises
  • 3 steps with 50 repetitions on each side
  • In the evening: cardio, stomach
  • 30 minutes of cardio, 50 sit-ups, and stretching


  • Afternoon:
  • 2 series of 25 abs on the machine
  • 2 series of 25 oblique abs on each side
  • 30-40 minutes of cardio
  • stretching
  • or
  • plyometrics
  • In the evening: cardio, stretching
  • 30 minutes of cardio and stretching


Choose one exercise for each body part and do it until canceled. Use free matching weights (so you can get at least 10 reps but no more than 12)

  • 30-40 minutes of cardio
  • stretching for 15-20 minutes
  • or
  • 2 series of 25 abs on the machine
  • 2 series of 25 oblique abs on each side
  • 30-40 minutes of cardio
  • stretching



* use free appropriate weights (so you can do your sets properly) and rest on average the same between sets (maintain a high heart rate, but that you can lift weights with proper movement)

* if you have time to warm up for 10 minutes and stretch before each workout it would be ideal, but I usually don't have time. On days when I don’t have time to warm up, I try to start with lighter weights like warming up and then do three stronger sets and stretch between sets!


  • 1 egg and 4 egg whites and one serving of salsa
  • or half a portion of oatmeal
  • or 2 servings of dry flakes (with less sugar)
  • grape juice
  • 0.3-0.5 liters of soy milk
  • Snack
  • protein shake


  • 100g grilled / or roasted (chicken breast, steak, pork leg, or fish)
  • 2-4 servings of fresh vegetables
  • 1/2 brown rice or sweet potato
  • or (as I eat for dinner)
  • Snack:
  • protein bar


  • salad
  • low-fat side dishes
  • 100g grilled / or roasted (chicken breast, steak, pork leg, or fish)
  • 1/2 brown rice or sweet potato
  • or (as I eat for lunch)