4 Smart Ways to Improve Your Home's Indoor Air Quality


During the hottest days of the year, staying indoors is one way you can protect yourself from heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. However, there are health risks you will also have to face inside the home. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the levels of indoor pollutants can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. That means the air inside your home can be more harmful than the air outside your home. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve your indoor air quality to keep your home safer and healthier this hot season. Check out these 4 smart tips:

Establish a routine for house cleaning.

To keep your house free from allergens, like dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander, you have to make housecleaning a regular part of your daily or weekly routine. Make sure to give your carpet floors and rugs deep cleaning once in a while, as they are the usual breeding grounds of allergens. Another great option to achieve cleaner air inside the home is to remove carpeting and replace it with hardwood or linoleum flooring and washable area rugs.

Bring in air-purifying plants.

Growing indoor plants is a natural way to improve the quality of air inside your home. According to the Clean Air Study conducted by NASA, certain species of plants are effective at removing harmful pollutants in the air and replacing them with breathable oxygen. These include houseplants like spider plant, golden pothos, peace lily, snake plant, English Ivy, Chinese evergreen, etc. NASA says you can get the most benefits if you place two or three of these plants in 8 to 10-inch pots for every 100 square feet of your home. 

Keep your air filters clean.

Your HVAC air filters play a very important role in cleaning the air inside your home. These filters trap harmful pollutants in the air as it enters your home. Over time, it can get clogged with dust and dirt, leading to poor air filtration. Cleaning your filters regularly and replacing them every 90 days will maintain their efficiency as well as reduce your air conditioner’s energy consumption.

Invest in professional AC maintenance and tune-up.

Aside from keeping you cool and comfortable during hot weather, a well-maintained air conditioning system can also reduce the spread of airborne diseases in indoor spaces. Prevent dangerous system breakdowns by scheduling routine maintenance and tune-up. Having your AC regularly serviced by a qualified technician lets you detect potential issues and fix them before they get worse. 

When it is time to call for an AC Repair

According to experts at Go Green Express Home Services, the top signs of a serious AC problem include restricted airflow, warm air blowing out of the unit’s vents, frequent cycling, water or refrigerant leak, bad odors, and strange noises. If you notice any of these telltale signs, schedule a professional AC repair right away. Make sure to fix your AC problems before it turns into expensive system repairs or replacements. Get in touch with a reputable HVAC company today!

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