No Cost Ways to Save Electricity At Home


According to recent data by the Energy Information Administration, the average monthly electricity bill for residential customers in the United States is $115. Depending on your location, living habits, and characteristics of your home, you may get a much higher or lower electric bill. 

It is only when you take steps to conserve energy at home that you can save money on your monthly bills. Check out these no-cost ways to save electricity:

Unplug appliances when not in use

Even if you turn off your TV, the appliance will still keep drawing power unless you unplug it. That is called standby electricity loss. Forgetting to unplug two or more appliances when you leave home will surely cost you a high energy bill at the end of the month. 

Use natural light

According to the Department of Energy, lighting accounts for about 5 percent of an average household’s energy use. By opening your windows during the day and letting natural light in, you can reduce your need for energy to light your home. Using the heat from the sun can also help you save on space heating costs in winter or early spring. 

Switch to LEDs

Another great way to reduce your energy use for lighting up the home is to swap incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs for LEDs. The DOE says LEDs use at least 75% less energy than incandescent lighting. They also have a longer lifespan, saving you money in the long run. 

Use your thermostat wisely

Space heating and cooling account for nearly half of your total household energy costs. Using your thermostat wisely will let you achieve significant cost savings. All you have to do is simply turn your thermostat back 7° to 10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. In summer, you can easily save energy by setting the thermostat to 78°F (26°C) only when you are at home and setting it higher when you are away, as claimed by industry experts. 

Weatherize your home

Weatherizing can result in improved comfort and safety in your home as well as lower energy bills. The process includes sealing air leaks around the home, which is very easy to do. Weatherizing your home prevents outside air from sneaking into your interior, reducing the load on your air conditioner or heater equipment. 

When to ask for the help of a licensed electrician 

Does your electric bill continue to go up despite your energy-saving efforts? In that case, you might be having a problem with your electrical system. You must call for the help of a licensed electrician to solve the problem. Hiring the service of a professional for your home electrical repair will guarantee you fast and efficient results. Call the pros now!

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